I’m feeling a little better about Vision OS Simulator

Someone on the internet asked me to answer some questions about how the simulator handles 3D space. He wanted to know if the screens float in a spherical canvas only around your head, or if they allow you to place things anywhere in space. In his view, spherical only would be of limited use, but placing anywhere in a space could be helpful. I agree.

The results are pretty good, but not perfect. I was taught how to move things forward and backward in space on the Z axis, which does in fact allow me to hang things on walls. (The trick is holding shift while dragging) I can also go into different rooms, set things down, move into another room, and still see it there when I return. That’s excellent, and mostly negates my previous post where I said I wasn’t so sure about the simulator.

The two main issues I’m seeing are probably an issue with the simulator itself. First, I find the controls super fiddly and confusing when trying to drive things from a laptop. If the headset UX itself isn’t fiddly, great. Plus, every YouTube video I’ve seen so far leads me to believe they nailed it. But the second issue is with how the windows “flip up” while placing them. Imagine holding a screen directly in front of you, but as you tried to look at it, the top of the screen tilted forward and the bottom tilted away. As if it was trying to conform to a spherical canvas around your head. I can’t tell if it’s a laptop issue, buggy software, or if Apple designed windows to never quite sit where you put them. We’ll see!

But I’m feeling better than before about the potential of the device. I suspect the EyeSight feature will invite a lot of criticism and will feel super awkward … but people will eventually acclimate to that. They’ll never acclimate to a horrible UX, and so far it seems like Apple’s in good shape on that front.