I was better than everyone in art school

Take a look at that title. That’s not how you’re supposed to talk, and I didn’t need art school to tell me that. From day one, I was better than everyone in art school.

I had an art school roommate immeasurably more talented than me at core artist skills, but he could never get his homework in on time and soon dropped out. I was better than everyone in art school.

I had very few friends. Everyone else learned how to socialise, how to party, how to experiment and explore at life but I was busy making art and getting good grades. I was better than everyone in art school.

There was a guy on my floor who looked just like me. People mistook us for each other. One day he jumped out of the floor of our dormitory on 3rd in Blanchard in Seattle and killed himself. People didn’t confuse me with him anymore. I was better than everyone in art school.

I walked into a classroom once and the teacher apologised to me for his class, and how it wouldn’t challenge me. “I’m sorry, Jon,” he said, as the rest of the students stared daggers. “This class won’t challenge you.” I was better than everyone in art school.

I wasn’t learning anything, so I dropped out early. I was better than everyone in art school. I married young, focused on my work, got many promotions, made a lot of money, paid off my house, and everything worked out.

In my career and in my life, I’ve had trouble making friends. I rub people wrong. I’m arrogant. I’m prideful. I don’t listen well. I’m selfish. Because I was better than everyone in art school.