I Finally Have a Writing Rig That I’m Proud Of!

It’s been a long, long time coming. Here’s what I finally have working.

  • I write everything in Ulysses
    – It uses iCloud to sync between iOS and Mac
    – It stores everything locally on my Mac
  • Everything is stored on my Mac in a single place
    – I’ve spent years pulling all my writing into a single location
    – Everything is in simple Markdown
    – Everything is in a standard
    – At night, I run a wordcount script to see how much I’ve written
  • I commit two two places every night
    – One commit sends my entire giant library to a git backup
    – A different commit shares only featured content to git and a website
  • I can publish my content from Ulysses to my online blogs
  • Once online, those online blogs all have RSS feeds
  • I have a single RSS feed for combining everything together

There are some quirks, like the fact that using full Markdown means I can’t drag and drop images into my posts in all situations. Or the fact that my RSS is held together by duct tape and chicken wire. But I finally did it. I can write, store, back up, publish, aggregate, and share the aggregated feed. It all works.

Ok, back to work.